Smart Contracts Development
The following are a collection of guides on how to build and deploy CoswmWasm smart contracts on the Osmosis blockchain. Please note that a user can deploy contracts with tools such as Beaker or directly with the Osmosisd binary via CLI.
CosmWasm on LocalOsmosis
Compile, upload and interact with a contract with LocalOsmosis.
Deploy Cosmwasm Contracts to Testnet
Deploying contracts to testnet via osmosisd binary
Submit a CosmWasm Governance Proposal
Example on how submit a CosmWasm binary proposal.
Deploy Cosmwasm Contracts to Testnet with Beaker
Deploying contracts to testnet with Beaker
Verifying Smart Contracts
Download contract and verify the hash.
Testing and Interacting with Smart Contracts
Cw-Orchestrator, an all-in-one Rust-based CosmWasm contracts testing, scripting, and deployment tool